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    Find fast internet for gaming

    For gamers few things are as important as fast internet for a seamless online gaming experience. Understand how to optimise your gaming setup and get the right gaming broadband, from securing the best internet speed to choosing the right router. Transform your online play. So, let’s find fast internet for gaming and delve into the essentials for maximising your gaming performance.

    Get gaming broadband with no lag

    Lag, the dreaded nemesis of gamers worldwide, can often be mitigated with a few strategic tweaks to your gaming setup:

    Wired connections

    While Wi-Fi has come a long way, a wired Ethernet connection still provides a more stable and faster connection for online gaming.

    Close background applications

    Ensure no other applications are siphoning off your bandwidth while you game.

    Update your gaming hardware

    Regularly update your network drivers and firmware to ensure your equipment is operating at peak efficiency.

    Implementing these simple strategies can significantly reduce lag, giving you that crucial edge in competitive play.

    Optimise your home network for fast gaming

    For those looking to dominate in competitive gaming arenas, optimising your home network is non-negotiable. Here’s how:

    Upgrade to full fibre internet

    The best internet speed for gaming is often provided by fibre broadband, known for its high-speed and low-latency connections.

    Prioritise gaming traffic

    Many modern routers offer settings to prioritise gaming traffic, ensuring your game gets the bandwidth it needs.

    Secure your gaming broadband

    Ensure your network is secure to prevent unauthorised access that could impact your internet speeds.

    A well-optimised home network is your foundation for competitive gaming success.

    Choosing the right router for fast online gaming

    The heart of your home network, your router, can be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. Here’s what to consider:

    Speed and bandwidth

    Look for routers that can handle high speeds and multiple devices without throttling your good internet speed for gaming.

    Quality of service (QoS)

    Routers with QoS settings let you prioritise gaming traffic, ensuring your gameplay remains uninterrupted.

    Gaming broadband features

    Some routers are designed with gamers in mind, featuring built-in game accelerators and optimisation algorithms.

    Choosing the right router is a crucial step in ensuring your gaming sessions are as smooth and lag-free as possible.

    In the quest for an unrivalled gaming broadband, every millisecond counts. Remember, in the digital battlegrounds, preparation and optimisation are as crucial as skill and strategy. Equip yourself with the best and take a look at our latest deals to make sure every session is a testament to your gaming prowess.

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    Is the internet sustainable?

    Choosing full fibre broadband is not just about embracing the latest technology—it’s a step towards a more sustainable future. So, is the internet sustainable? Find out how switching to full fibre broadband will reduce your carbon footprint.

    How is the internet sustainable?

    Reduced energy consumption

    One of the most compelling arguments for fibre broadband is its energy efficiency. Unlike traditional broadband solutions that rely on copper cables, fibre optic transmits data through light, drastically reducing the amount of electricity required for data transmission. This efficiency is notable when considering the vast distances data can travel with minimal energy loss. Because of this, households and businesses that opt for full fibre contribute to a substantial decrease in energy consumption, thereby lowering their internet carbon footprint.

    Longevity and durability

    Fibre cables are renowned for their durability and resistance to environmental conditions, such as temperature changes and moisture. This resilience translates to a longer lifespan compared to traditional copper cables, which are prone to degradation and require frequent replacements. The extended lifespan of fibre optic cables means fewer resources are consumed over time for manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal, further cementing its status as the most sustainable broadband option.

    Lower operational emissions

    The operational efficiency of full fibre networks extends beyond just energy consumption. These networks require less cooling and maintenance compared to the infrastructure supporting traditional broadband, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with their operation. By reducing the need for energy-intensive activities, fibre networks play a crucial role in offering an environmentally friendly internet solution.

    The impact on telecommuting and remote work

    Full fibre broadband is instrumental in facilitating the rise of telecommuting and remote work, especially evident in recent global shifts towards home offices. By providing reliable, high-speed internet connections, fibre enables more people to work from home, reducing the carbon emissions associated with daily commutes. This shift not only contributes to a better work-life balance, but also aligns with environmental goals by decreasing overall vehicle emissions.

    Making the switch to sustainable internet

    As consumers, our decisions—right down to the type of internet connection we choose—have the power to influence our planet’s health. By considering ‘is the internet sustainable’ and then opting for the most sustainable broadband option, we take a proactive step towards reducing our internet carbon footprint and fostering an environmentally friendly internet ecosystem.

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    Getting the best internet for smart homes

    Smart homes are revolutionary and will reshape our current living spaces, paving the way for the future of the internet. This means you need revolutionary internet to match. Here, we look at full fibre broadband as the cornerstone of modern smart home technology. It offers unprecedented speed, reliability, and capacity that is essential for the seamless operation of tomorrow’s homes.

    Unleashing the potential of smart homes

    A symphony of devices

    In the smart home, every device (from refrigerators and washing machines to thermostats and security cameras) communicates via the internet. Therefore, a smart home will need a robust and reliable broadband connection that can handle multiple devices at the same time. Full fibre broadband meets this demand. It provides the bandwidth needed for all smart home devices to operate harmoniously.

    Real-time responsiveness

    The appeal of smart homes is in their ability to respond in real-time. Whether it’s adjusting lighting based on natural light levels, managing energy use efficiently, or providing security through instant alerts. These best internet for smart homes depends on the lightning-fast speed of full fibre broadband. The future of the internet in smart homes is about instantaneity, and fibre optic delivers this by ensuring that commands and updates are executed almost instantly.

    Pioneering new technologies

    Beyond today’s smart homes

    The future of the internet is looking towards more data-rich technologies, like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), for home entertainment, education, and even remote work. The bandwidth and speed offered by full fibre broadband is fundamental for these technologies to work. They require massive amounts of data to be transmitted at high speeds to function seamlessly. A requirement that fibre optic broadband is uniquely positioned to meet.

    Enhanced security and privacy

    As our homes become smarter, the need for enhanced security and privacy becomes paramount. Full fibre broadband offers superior security features compared to traditional broadband, reducing the risk of data breaches. With the future of smart homes intertwined with personal data, the encryption and secure transmission capabilities of fibre internet are crucial for protecting homeowners’ privacy and safety.

    Facilitating sustainable living

    Energy efficiency and management

    Smart homes are not just about convenience and entertainment; they’re also about sustainability. Fibre optic broadband enables sophisticated energy management systems that optimise energy use, reduce waste, and even integrate renewable energy sources more effectively. This technology is pivotal for creating homes that are not only smart but also environmentally friendly, marking a significant step towards the future of sustainable living.

    Find the right broadband for your smart home today.

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    Choosing the best broadband for gaming

    In the high-stakes world of online gaming, where every second can be the difference between glory and defeat, understanding the impact of latency on your gameplay is crucial. So what is the best broadband for gaming? Here we take a look at how latency and ping can affect your online gaming, and what the best broadband for gaming is, so you can stay one step ahead of the competition.

    Why does low latency make good gaming broadband?

    Latency refers to the time it takes for data to travel from your gaming device to the game server, and back. In gaming terms, lower latency means less delay, so you can get an instant response to in-game actions. This is crucial in fast-paced games where fractions of a second matter. High latency can result in lag, leading to a faltering and frustrating gaming experience where you’re always a step behind your opponents.

    How to measure and improve your ping

    Here’s how to measure ping and improve your outcomes:

    Test your ping: Use in-game latency displays or dedicated online tools to check your ping.
    Wired connections: Switch to a wired Ethernet connection if possible, as this can significantly reduce latency compared to Wi-Fi.
    Optimise your network: Close unnecessary background applications and devices that may be consuming bandwidth.

    Improving ping can give you the edge you need to excel.

    Latency issues and online gaming: how to stay ahead of the game

    Staying ahead in the world of online gaming means being proactive about managing latency. Here’s what you can do:

    Choose the best broadband for gaming

    Not all broadband is created equal. The best broadband for gaming is one that offers low latency. Fibre broadband tends to provide the best internet speed for gaming, combining high speeds with lower latency figures.

    Select servers wisely

    Play on game servers closest to your geographical location to reduce the distance data must travel, which can lower your ping.

    Upgrade your hardware

    Ensure your router and modem are up to date and capable of handling good internet speed for gaming. Consider routers with QoS (Quality of Service) settings that allow for gaming traffic prioritisation.

    By addressing these factors, you can significantly minimise latency issues, ensuring a smoother, more competitive gaming experience.

    Understanding and minimising latency is crucial for any serious gamer looking to compete and enjoy online games without frustration. From measuring and improving your ping to choosing a gaming broadband that meets your needs, every step you take can enhance your gaming performance. Remember, what is a good internet speed for gaming goes beyond mere numbers—it’s about quality, consistency, and low latency. By focusing on these aspects, you’re not just improving your connection; you’re setting the stage for victory in the digital arena.

    Why not choose your gaming broadband now?

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    Get the best learning online with full fibre internet

    Have you ever wondered how to get the best learning experience online for your family? Here, we illustrate the crucial role of high-speed internet in facilitating learning online.

    The Johnson family: finding the best learning online

    The Johnsons, a family of five, found themselves struggling with their standard broadband connection. With three school-aged children using various forms of digital learning—from live video classes to interactive educational apps—their existing internet service frequently fell short. This led to disrupted learning experiences and mounting frustration.

    The decision to upgrade

    Looking to get the best online learning experience for their children, the Johnsons looked at upgrading to full fibre internet as a solution. The promise of faster speeds, greater bandwidth, and more reliable connections offered a beacon of hope. Their primary goal was to ensure that their children’s education didn’t suffer.

    The transformative power of fibre internet

    Upon upgrading to full fibre internet, the Johnson family immediately noticed a dramatic improvement in their online educational experiences:

    Enhanced video learning

    The children’s live video classes became smoother and more interactive with no buffering. This meant that the children could participate more actively in their classes, contributing to a more engaging learning environment.

    Seamless access to educational resources

    With the high-speed full fibre connection, downloading educational materials and accessing online libraries became almost instantaneous. This ease of access to a vast array of resources significantly enriched the children’s learning experience, allowing them to explore subjects more deeply and at their own pace.

    Multi-device connectivity

    One of the most significant benefits was the ability to connect multiple devices simultaneously without compromising the internet speed. This was crucial for the Johnsons, as it allowed each child to learn online in their preferred manner, whether through tablets, laptops, or smartphones, without affecting the others’ connectivity.

    Encouraging independent learning

    The reliability and speed of full fibre internet fostered an environment where the children felt empowered to pursue their interests through online courses, educational videos, and interactive learning platforms. This access to diverse learning opportunities helped cultivate a sense of independence and self-motivation in their educational journey.


    The Johnson family’s experience underscores the critical role that fibre optic internet plays in modern education. For families navigating the complexities of internet and education, the transition to fibre optic broadband represents not just an upgrade in internet speed but a substantial leap forward in educational potential. As learning online becomes increasingly integral to educational success, ensuring access to the best broadband for families is paramount. The Johnsons’ story is a compelling testament to how the right tools can transform the educational landscape, making learning more accessible, engaging, and effective for students of all ages.

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    What is the environmental impact of the internet

    What is the environmental impact of the internet

    As consumers become increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint, understanding the impact of our choices extends to the realm of internet services. Here we delve into the comparison between full fibre and traditional broadband technologies, highlighting the most sustainable broadband options and how we measure the environmental impact of the internet.

    Understanding the Technologies

    Before we compare their environmental impacts, let’s briefly outline the two technologies. Traditional broadband or ‘copper’, often referred to as DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), relies on pre-existing telephone lines and coaxial cable networks. In contrast, fibre optic internet uses thin strands of glass or plastic fibres to transmit data as light signals, offering superior speed and reliability.

    Energy consumption

    Environmental impact of full fibre internet

    Known for its high efficiency, fibre technology consumes less energy compared to traditional broadband solutions. The transmission of data through light signals significantly reduces electricity usage, especially over long distances. This efficiency not only contributes to a lower internet carbon footprint but also supports the operation of data centres, which are more energy-intensive with other types of broadband.

    Traditional broadband

    Cable and DSL technologies are less energy efficient, particularly as the distance between the service provider and the end-user increases. The energy required to maintain data transmission over copper lines is higher, leading to greater electricity usage and a higher environmental impact.

    Durability and maintenance

    Environmental impact of full fibre internet

    The materials used in fibre optic cables are more durable and less susceptible to weather-related damage or degradation over time. This longevity means fewer resources are needed for repairs and replacements, underscoring its position as the most sustainable broadband option. Additionally, the minimal maintenance required for fibre optic networks further reduces its overall environmental impact.

    Traditional broadband

    Copper lines used in traditional broadband are more prone to damage and wear over time, necessitating more frequent repairs and replacements. This not only increases the demand for raw materials but also contributes to a higher carbon footprint associated with manufacturing, transportation, and installation processes.

    Production and disposal

    Environmental impact of full fibre internet

    The production of fibre optic cables involves the use of silica, a plentiful resource, and results in cables that are lighter and occupy less space than their copper counterparts. While the manufacturing process is energy-intensive, the long lifespan and lower energy consumption during use offset these initial impacts. Additionally, the disposal issue is less problematic due to the longevity and recyclability of the materials.

    Traditional broadband

    The manufacturing and disposal of copper cables present environmental challenges. The extraction and processing of copper are energy-intensive and can lead to significant environmental degradation. Moreover, the disposal of old copper cables, while recyclable, often involves complex processes that can be harmful to the environment if not handled properly.

    When comparing the environmental impact of full fibre versus traditional broadband, it’s clear that fibre internet stands out as the most sustainable broadband option. Its lower energy consumption, durability, and reduced need for frequent replacements contribute to a smaller internet carbon footprint, aligning with the growing demand for environmentally friendly internet solutions. Find your perfect package now.

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    What internet speed do you really need?

    We’re always get asked, what internet speed do I need? So, here we explain more about the internet, the infrastructure we use, and what that means for your internet speeds.


    What’s the difference between copper and fibre networks?

    Firstly, when we talk about internet speed, it just means how fast data travels to and from the internet. This is the thing that will affect your service the most. Normally, it’s measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). So, the higher those numbers, the faster your internet is, and the more reliable your service will be.

    You can test your speed and find out how many Mbps you’re getting, here.

    So, what speeds do you need for everyday use of the internet?

    Let’s face it, we all stream TV shows and movies these days, often on more than once device, and there’s nothing more annoying that endless buffering. For the average family of four we’d recommend an internet connection of 130Mbps or more. At this speed, your whole family can stream the TV shows they want, at the same time, without any buffering. You can even stream in UHD and still get a seamless service.

    If you’re a household with a gamer in your midst then you’re going to want even higher speeds, with a minimum of 300Mbps or more, and up to 900Mpbps if you’ve more than one gamer, or for any PC Gamers. You’ll also want good upload and download speeds. Some broadband doesn’t offer symmetrical upload/download speeds which won’t be great for PC gamers.

    The same goes for home workers. If that’s you, you’ll want to ensure you have good upload and download speeds too (we’ve explained this more clearly below). And, as always, the higher the speeds (as in 150Mbps or above) the more reliable your service.

    What’s an upload speed?

    This is the speed at which you can send information. So, this affects how long it takes you to upload files, photos or videos. It will also impact the quality of your video calls, virtual meetings and real-time online collaboration tools: with your video feed getting pixelated or freezing to those on the receiving end.

    If you’re a gamer, slow upload speeds are a big no-no. Depending on how slow your upload speeds are, you could begetting a lot of lag, affecting your ability to respond quickly in real-time multiplayer games.

    What’s a download speed?

    This is the speed you receive information. So, this will affect your overall web browsing experience and how well you can stream videos and audio without experiencing the dreaded buffer. Basically, any way you access the internet (Netflix, music streaming services, loading webpages, making video calls), this will be impacted.

    If you’re interested in finding out more about whether you’re ready to get connected to the Fibre Heroes network, check your availability here.

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    What’s the difference between copper and fibre networks?

    When it comes to understanding what fibre internet is, it’s important to know the difference between copper and fibre internet. So, let’s start with the basics and take a look at what copper and fibre actually are.

    What is copper internet?

    This is the ‘legacy’ network, and it’s literally copper wiring that transmits data to and from you home for your internet. However, the signal on copper degrades over long distances, leading to slower internet speeds for those further from local exchanges (those green boxes at the end of your road). It can also be susceptible to environmental factors, such as electromagnetic interference, which will impact the performance of your internet.

    What’s fibre internet?

    This is the latest technology. It’s fibre optic cables that transmit data through very thin strands of glass or plastic using pulses of light. This is the modern standard of high-speed internet and signal doesn’t degrade over distance. So, no matter where you are, if you have a fibre optic cable right to your home, then you’re going to get highly reliable internet that is callable of streaming 1000’s of megabits, or even terabits, of data.

    With this information we think it’s obvious what the benefits of getting full fibre internet are, but we understand that not everyone feels the same about fibre as we do. So, we’ll try and rein in our enthusiasm a bit and explain the benefits to you. Here goes…

    Ultrafast speeds that will make your life sooooooo much simpler

    Not only can you get amazing amounts of data streaming all at once, you can also get symmetrical speeds with fibre optic cables. That means your download and upload speeds are nearly identical, and that’s a game changer

    It’ll make activities like video conferencing, online gaming, and uploading large files much quicker and easier. Working from home has never been better!

    Check your speeds using our speed test button here.

    So much reliability you’ll forget buffering was even a ‘thing’

    Not only do the speeds make full fibre internet more reliable, but fibre optics are also far less susceptible to environmental factors and signal interference than copper. So, your whole family can stream seamlessly, all at the same time, all without a glitch.

    It’s the future.

    No, really, you’re going to need a full fibre connection very soon. There’s more and more demand for higher bandwidth on the current networks, and a full fibre connection offers a solution to this. It is simply the case that partial fibre networks (where the fibre doesn’t go all the way to your home) and old copper networks are starting to struggle with demand from the number of people using them, and also the technology we are increasingly using in our daily lives. Fibre is scalable and can accommodate HUGE amounts of demand. It’s fully future-proof.

    It’s a much more secure network

    Fibre is more secure network because it doesn’t give off electromagnetic signals that can be intercepted. This makes fibre-optic connections less susceptible to hacking and unauthorised access.

    Ever heard of latency?

    Well, the lower the better and fibre optic networks deliver low latency. This makes them ideal for real-time applications, and Gamers will benefit hugely from reduced lag and a more responsive online gaming experience.

    So, if you’re interested in finding out if you can access full fibre services on our network, check availability to your home, here.

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    Building a full fibre network for ultrafast internet

    Our aim is to bring full fibre internet to as many towns and villages as we can. That’s why our network covers every premise in our 130+ build towns.

    If you’re wondering what fibre internet is, how it’s built and how you can upgrade your broadband, this blog explains it all more clearly. Starting with how we build it…

    How do we build full fibre networks?

    Well, for the most part (80% of it, in fact) we put our fibre optic cables through Openreach’s existing infrastructure of underground ducts and telegraph poles. This ensures the build is largely straightforward with minimal disruption to the areas we build in. However, there are a handful of areas where existing ducts or poles are not available. In these areas, we follow the industry-standard process of either using other existing ducts, or putting in telegraph poles. We really have to emphasise that we only put poles in when there’s no realistic alternatives.

    What to do if you want to get our full fibre internet?

    Once our services are built and live in your area, we have a range of excellent partners to choose from. They can set you up with a broadband package to suit your needs.

    All of our service partners are ready to bring you the best broadband deals on the market. Your chosen service provider will be the one to set up or switch your broadband contract and provide you with all the relevant details about your full fibre service: from budget plans to subscription perks.

    However, we’ll be the ones to arrange the physical installation of your new ultrafast broadband. We’ll arrange a time for one of our engineers to install ultrafast broadband in your home, which usually takes a few hours.

    If you want to know more about what to expect when it comes to installing fibre optic cables to your home, watch our video on what happens at an installation.

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    Get your broadband ready for Christmas!

    It’s that magical time of year again! Which means we can all officially eat chocolate and watch lots of movies without feeling bad about it.

    It’s also party time. So, if you’re thinking of hosting a holiday gathering at your place, don’t let the fear of bad internet affect your festivities.

    This Christmas, Fibre Heroes are here to make sure your house is ready for epic holiday gatherings. Whether that’s the ultimate festive gaming session, the party with the best sounding tunes streamed seamlessly, or a Harry Potter binge in Ultra HD. Get your Megabits ready for the mega bits this season by following these simple steps:

    Make your router the centre of attention.

    As in, actually get it to a central location so you can give the signal the best chance of being evenly distributed through your home.

    You could also elevate your router.

    The higher the router, the better the signal will be.

    Extend your WiFi with either a repeater or extender.

    This will amplify the signal and extend its range so more people in your home can use it.

    Make sure your routers firmware is up-to-date.

    Manufacturers often release firmware updates that improve performance and security.

    Give your router a bit of a re-start before your Festive gathering.

    This will help to clear any temporary bugs or glitches that may be there, but that you may not know about.

    For the more techy broadband users, you could get your hands on a WiFi analyser.

    This will troubleshoot any problems you may have with your WiFi and router: it will show you signal strength, channel usage, and other information that will help you improve your Wi-Fi performance.

    Of course, you can also just get ultrafast full fibre internet and then you’ll have enough megabits for everyone to stream on their devices seamlessly. ‘Tis the season to Eat, Stream & Be Merry!

    Find your perfect broadband package on our deals page.