Applications for Heroes Fund

    Community Funding

      Which tier funding are you seeking from the CIF?

      Contact name:
      Contact Phone:
      Contact Email:
      Name of Applicant Organisation:

      Type of Organisation?

      Organisation Reference Number

      Does the Organisation have its own bank account?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]

      Project Title?

      Project Location?

      Please describe what this project will do and how it will improve digital capacity or awareness in the town

      Project Description (max 200 words)

      Project Description

      Project Description

      Project Start Date
      Project End Date

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]

      How Many local people will the project involve?

      How Many local people will the project involve? Typically, these projects will need to benefit > 50 local people

      How Many local people will the project involve? Typically, these projects will need to benefit > 100 local people

      How much funding are you seeking?

      Are you using funding from other bodies to help fund the project?

      How do you plan to publicise and communicate this activity?

      How do you plan to publicise and communicate this activity?

      Please provide a Headline Budget

      Please provide a Headline Budget

      Please explain why the project cannot be delivered for less money or what impact a lower budget would have on its success

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Next" "Step 3"]

      Marketing Permissions

      Have you read and do you agree to the Terms & Conditions of the Community Investment Fund?-

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back" "Step 4"]

      By registering your interest, you are agreeing to us keeping you updated (by electronic mail or phone) regarding our network build and the availability of the great value ultrafast broadband in your area.  When the network is ready, we (or one of our delivery partners) will be in touch with news of how you can access the network and the great deals on offer.  More details about how we handle your personal data can be found in our Privacy Notice.