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    Full fibre broadband the whole family can use

    We’re here to help you find the right broadband package for your family, so you don’t have to suffer the dreaded ‘buffer’ this Christmas.

    Firstly, the general rule of thumb is to add 30 Mbps for every person in the house who wants to stream, download files, or play games simultaneously. This means a family of four will need speeds of no less than 120 Mbps, so you can browse, conference call, stream, and do homework all at the same time!

    That’s for the basics. If you’ve a gamer in your midst, or you regularly download large files, you’re going to need an even faster connection. For households with gamers, we’d recommend looking at internet packages with anything between 300 and 1000Mbps. This is now full fibre broadband and it’ll deliver downloads in minutes instead of hours, and ensure the rest of the family can go online without having to negotiate timings. Or argue about who needs the internet most!

    You’re welcome.

    Some important things to consider…

    It’s not just the speeds that you sign up to that will give you a new experience, but it’s the quality of your internet connection too. For instance, if you’re not on full fibre, which is 100% fibre, then you could be paying for internet on a network that includes some copper. If this is the case then your download speeds will depend on how far away from the local cabinet you are (usually these are green boxes at the end of your road).

    For those families in rural areas, you can be a lot further away from these green boxes, and that will have a big impact on the speeds you receive compared to the speeds you signed up for.

    You can use our speed tester here to find out how many Mbps you’re currently getting. That will basically tell you how reliable your internet is – the more Mbps you have, the more reliable your internet and the faster your download and upload speeds are.

    Getting better broadband

    In summary, the amount of broadband speed you need for your home depends on a number of things, including the number of people in your household, the types of online activities you do, and the quality of your internet connection. If you’ve bought speeds of 150Mbps but you’re not receiving them, then perhaps it’s time to consider going full fibre?


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    Want to leave your broadband contract early?

    When you sign up for a broadband contract, you’re usually agreeing to a minimum term of 12 or 18 months. This means that you’ll have to pay the full monthly fee for the duration of the contract, even if you want to leave early.

    However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. In some cases, you may be able to leave your broadband contract early, without penalty, and here are the things to look out for:

    Moving home.

    If you’re move home, you may be able to leave your broadband contract early without penalty. However, you’ll need to check with your provider to see if they offer this option.

    Service issues.

    Serious service issues with your broadband may mean you can exit your contract early. But you’ll need to prove that the issues are serious and that your provider has been unable to resolve them.
    Financial hardship. If you’re experiencing financial hardship, this can also mean you’ll be able to leave your contract earlier. Again, you’ll need to provide evidence of your financial hardship, such as a recent payslip or a letter from a benefits agency.

    The 14-day cooling-off period.

    When you sign up for a broadband contract online or over the phone, you’ll have a 14-day cooling-off period, so you can cancel your contract at any time during these 14 days and it will be FOC.

    Some things to watch out for:

    Outstanding charges.

    Even if you’re able to leave your broadband contract early, you’ll still need to pay for any outstanding charges. This could be for the cost of equipment that you’ve been loaned, such as a router.

    Early termination fees.

    Watch out for early termination fees, which can be as much as the cost of the remaining months of your contract. Check this with your current provider before you make any decisions.

    You may not be able to switch to another provider. There may be a cooling off period, which will mean you can’t switch to another provider for a certain period of time. This varies from provider to provider, so double check this.

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    Not getting the best deals on your broadband?

    We’re all feeling the pinch when it comes to the cost of living and, let’s face it, the bills we pay always go up and rarely go down.

    Plus, there’s more to pay for too – most of us have mobile phones and internet, which we need day to day.

    So, as experts in ultrafast broadband, we’ve got a few tips below on how to make sure you’re getting the right broadband services and not paying for the bits you don’t need. If you’re looking for cheap broadband deals, or how to make the most of your internet, read on!

    Figure out how much broadband you actually need. If you only stream a few videos a week, you can get the cheaper deals because you won’t need lots of Mbps. But if you’ve got UHD devices or you’re a household of more than two people, you’ll need to consider packages of 100Mbps or more.

    Choose the right contract length.

    It’s usually the case that the longer contracts tie you in, the better the price per Mb, so consider committing to 24 months and you’ll likely get a better deal. But, if you’re not sure how long you’ll be staying in your current home, it’s best to choose a shorter contract. That way, you won’t be locked into a long-term deal if you need to move and you won’t have to pay additional fees.

    Bundle your broadband with other services.

    Service providers offer discounts if you bundle your broadband with other services, such as TV or home phone. This can be a great way to save money, especially if you already use those services.

    Watch out for price rises.

    Our service providers don’t do mid-contract price rises, but some networks will let their providers increase their prices annually. Make sure you’re aware of the terms of your contract so you can switch to a cheaper deal if your price goes up.

    Switch providers.

    If you’re not happy with your current broadband provider, you can switch to a new one when your current contract ends. Many providers offer sign-up bonuses, so you could even save money by switching!

    For those of you mid-contract and unable to shop around for deals, here are some additional tips:

    Use a router that supports traffic shaping.

    You’ll be able to prioritise certain types of traffic over others, such as streaming video or file downloads.

    Set up a usage monitoring tool.

    You’ll be able to track how much data you’re using each month, so you can make sure you’re not overpaying.

    If you’re interested in finding out about our broadband deals, check out our deals of the month here.

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    How to Troubleshoot Common Broadband Issues

    We all know how frustrating it can be to see the error message on your screen when using the internet; whether that’s when you’re sitting down to stream a film in the evening after a long day’s work or shopping online to find a last-minute gift.

    If the usual disconnect/connect option doesn’t seem to cut it, what are your other quick-fix options? Our guide provides ways to diagnose your broadband issues and some easy solutions so you can avoid contacting your provider.

    Your device or your internet connection?

    The first thing to do is to check if the issue is the internet or a specific device. We recommend looking at all devices in your home that connect to broadband such as your mobile phone, TV, and tablet.

    If the rest of your devices have a healthy wi-fi status, the fault is probably with your specific device and may just require a simple switch on/off. However, if the rest of your devices are disconnected too, the fault lies with your internet connection, but don’t panic, there many things you can check for confirmation before contacting your provider.

    Check your provider’s internet status

    Before carrying anything more complicated, it’s with checking their status page where you’ll be able to input your postcode to find out if there are any issues in your area. All information on where to do this should be found on your provider’s contact page.

    Ask Google

    If in doubt, you can always ask Google! Google can do a quick check to see if the issue is with your device or internet connection. Here’s how to do it:

    • If you’re using a Windows PC, press the Windows key+R on the keyboard and you’ll see the Command Prompt panel. Type ping
    • If you use a Mac, go to the Network Utility app, select Ping and then type ‘’.

    If no issues appear, the problem is more likely to be with the specific device you’re using. If, however, you see either a timed-out or unsuccessful message pop up, there is an issue with your connection.

    Check the IP address

    If an Ethernet doesn’t solve the issue, you can further check your router by searching for the IP address that can tell you if there are any errors. Follow these steps:

    On Windows:

    • Click Windows key + R to open the Command Prompt panel.
    • Type: ipconfig | findstr /I “Gateway”
    • You should see a line like this: Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . . :

    On Mac:

    • Open System Preferences, then Network under Internet and Wireless.
    • Select Ethernet and then the Advanced
    • Click the TCP/IP tab to see the IP address.

    If your IP is valid without error, it will start with 192. If it starts with 169 or something else, this is an issue that your provider will need to look into.

    What can your router tell you?

    Knowing what lights should be displayed on your router can be a little confusing. However, generally, if there are no lights at all, this means there is a power issue, which may be related to your socket or electricity outage. Green flashing lights suggest your router is working as it should and if some lights are flashing red or even amber this is often a sign that something is wrong.

    The first option, and often the most effective, is to turn your router off, wait about 30 seconds, and then turn it back on again. Routers are usually left on 24/7 so a little reboot is sometimes needed.

    Once you have restarted it, it might take a while to reconnect to the internet depending on your router and the devices you use so it’s important to remain patient and allow at least 5 minutes before forming a diagnosis for your provider.

    Use a cable to connect your router

    If the router seems to be working as it should, try connecting your device directly to your router. Households that use multiple devices via wi-fi may struggle to keep an uninterrupted connection, especially during peak times.

    Using what’s called an Ethernet cable to connect your device will limit the stress on your wi-fi connection. If this solves your issue, the problem is your wi-fi and you may want to consider upgrading your broadband to full fibre if it’s available in your area.

    Final checks:

    Check all wires – Sometimes it’s worth checking all your connected cables to make sure nothing is damaged, and everything is connected correctly. Unplug and remove all cables and then reinsert them after 30 seconds.

    A fault with the microfilter (the small white box on the phone line) could be affecting your broadband. You can replace this microfilter yourself and they are relatively cheap to purchase. If your microfilter is built into the socket, you’ll need to contact your provider for a diagnosis.

    Check your phone line – The final thing to check is your phone line. You can listen out for a dial tone by plugging in a home phone directly into the wall socket. If you can’t hear anything or can only hear constant noise, you will need to report it to your provider using your mobile phone.

    When it comes to issues with your broadband connection, there are many things you can try to diagnose the problem, correct it yourself or offer information to your provider to avoid unnecessary long phone calls.

    We recommend keeping a note of your provider’s contact number in case anything goes wrong with your broadband that you cannot fix.

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    Fibre Broadband for Education

    There’s no denying that the internet has changed our everyday lives, but as full fibre broadband becomes more widespread it also has the capacity to transform education.

    Not only do ultrafast internet connections increase efficiency and better facilitate educational tools in schools and the home, but they also mean new technologies such as Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence can be used to enhance the way we learn.

    We know that everyone learns in different ways, and this is key to understanding how education can be transformed through technology; education can become a brand-new experience, accessible to everyone.

    If schools and institutions can access fast and reliable full fibre broadband more opportunities can be created.

    Personalised and immersive learning

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that can be personalised to each student, catering for a variety of learners. This is shown through adaptive learning platforms such as Prodigy Math, which uses an algorithm to match students’ learning styles and levels.

    This online technology means students can access it whenever they want, in their own time.

    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are immersive technologies that provide a unique and fun learning experience. The Unimersiv app is an example of how VR offer an exciting way to learn about things such as history, space or human anatomy, whereas the AR Gibson App helps students learn guitar in a brand-new way.

    New immersive ways of learning can greatly benefit students who find traditional ways of learning difficult. Therefore, a powerful, reliable full fibre connection can make a huge difference in education.

    Technology that ensures learners can fully understand and interact with information at their own pace is transformative but only if full fibre networks are made readily available.

    Full fibre expansion

    The expansion of full fibre internet across the UK has meant that more than a thousand schools are experiencing next-generation internet speeds with government and private investment.

    Full fibre networks are now being supplied to schools and other public buildings that had previously suffered from slow and unreliable connections.

    This recent change means that teachers and professionals can use pre-existing technology in the classroom with more efficiency and perhaps introduce immersive technology.

    Here in the UK, the mission is to level up internet access by investing in fast gigabit broadband, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas but there is still a lot of work to be done.

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    Broadband Price Rises

    Millions of customers will be affected by a mid-contract price hike being rolled out by household names such as BT, EE, Plusnet, Shell, TalkTalk, Three, Virgin and Vodafone.

    If you are a customer of one of the named companies, you could experience a price increase of up to 14.4% on your monthly contract bill.

    Providers can increase their prices by the rate of inflation plus an extra amount on top (usually around 4 percentage points) as per their own terms and conditions.

    For some customers, you will be able to break your contract with your existing provider penalty-free within 30 days of the initial notification of the price rise. (Please check your contract and do your research into this. This will only apply to some customers.)

    If you are wanting more information about how to cancel your contract, we’ve linked appropriate resources for each provider below:

    What does this mean for you?

    Some providers allow for a 30-day window to break the contract penalty free meaning that you have an opportunity to switch providers if the price increase is too much.

    As mentioned, the 30-day window starts from the initial notification of the price rise so it is important, that if you are wanting to switch, you don’t leave it until the last minute.

    Switching providers can be an easy process and having it done sooner rather than later would be imperative to ensuring the continued service of your broadband.

    How can you switch?

    We have many blogs about this, but the short version is, speak to your existing provider and notify them that you would like to leave your contract within the 30-day window.

    Also, order from one of our internet service partners with the package you desire. We have partners that offer broadband only packages, TV bundles and landlines. Please look into them and do your research to find the perfect package.

    (This will only work if your home is viable for a connection on our network)

    Your existing provider will most likely request their equipment to be returned. This should be done in line with their terms and conditions appropriately.

    From there, our partners will send you a new router and our installers will connect your property to our new full fibre network (a broadband network made up entirely of fibre optic cables).

    We’d recommend that you ensure your new connection is up and running before sending any equipment back (with that being said, there are some deadline requirements for returning equipment so again, check what these are with your existing ISP!)

    Take Action Now

    There is a limited time to act on this if you are unhappy with the price hike. If you haven’t received the notification, the suppliers have confirmed that there will be price increases this year.

    As mentioned, once notified, you will have 30-days to change providers penalty free (again, please research into this to see if your provider is allowing this break of contract to happen).

    To reiterate, if you are wanting more information about how to cancel your contract, we’ve linked appropriate resources for each provider below:

    Our partners are ready and waiting to connect you to a network with a better value for money from existing copper broadband connections.

    Research our partners today to browse their packages and see which one works best for you.


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    The Benefits of Choosing a Smaller ISP

    If you’re hoping to make the switch to full fibre but unsure what internet service provider to choose for a trouble-free broadband connection, why not consider a lesser-known, smaller ISP?

    Whether you need home or business broadband, there are many benefits to choosing smaller ISPs including a more personalised service. Here are a few more reasons why a small ISP might be the best option for you:

    Customer focused

    One of the main advantages of opting for a smaller ISP is better customer experience.

    With smaller companies, if you have any questions or require technical support, you are less likely to be waiting to speak to an advisor.

    Most smaller ISPs are also set up to provide the support that larger ISPs are lacking, with a tailored and customer-focused service, which large ISPs are often not able to provide.

    Save money

    You will usually find that smaller ISPs offer cheaper and more straightforward options compared to their larger or nationwide competitors.

    Smaller ISPs also tend to focus more of their energy on customer retention, which means keeping costs as low as possible and rewarding loyalty.

    Avoid flashy service bundles

    Larger ISPs offer deals on their service bundles only for the first year and then go up (sometimes dramatically) after the offer has expired, with no incentives for long-term loyalty.

    Smaller ISPs, on the other hand, often make choosing the right deal easier without any complicated service bundles. They can offer similar bundles at a cheaper cost when you choose multiple services with them, too.

    Smaller ISPs don’t have the budget for large marketing campaigns so finding them may require a bit more research than the already established larger companies.

    They also may not be able to offer extremely low bundle rates during your first year but, despite these things, what smaller ISPs can offer is a customer-focused service, consistent costs, and long-term support. Now that’s worth considering!

    If you’re looking for a full fibre broadband package, research our ISP partners to see which package is perfect for you!

    Fibre Heroes continues to expand its reach so your town could be next!

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    Does Fibre Come Through The Phone Line?

    Did you know that your full fibre internet is provided through a separate line from your copper line? So I bet this leaves you thinking, ‘does fibre come through the phone line?’

    If you currently connect to the internet using copper, it means your internet runs through your phone line, using pulses of electricity to send data.

    Full fibre on the other hand uses light pulses, which means a new line needs to be installed separate to your phone line! So, technically, you can have both a full fibre line and a copper line running at the same time. But why have both?

    Fibre cables and copper cables are two separate networks!
    It means that fibre cables don’t need to come through the phone line!


    Relying on outdated technology such as your copper internet can disrupt your day-to-day. With more and more people working from home, families using multiple devices, and a greater reliance on the internet means a copper line no longer meets the demands of a modern lifestyle.

    One way to avoid this is to install a full fibre line while waiting for your contract to end. Yes, it is possible to install your full fibre line before a contract runs out and boost your internet reliability at the same time.

    This can be the perfect solution if:

    • You only have a few months left until your old contract ends
    • Your internet connection is affecting your work or income
    • You can afford to pay for two contracts for a set period of time

    To help you make this transition, some of our partners as internet service providers offer the first 3 months for free when signing up for one of their packages. So, if you’re coming to the end of your old contract, this could be the perfect solution to gain ultrafast broadband quickly.

    2 lines, 1 payment! (Deals pending of course!)

    We have many partners that provide affordable and accessible internet packages to suit all households. Why not discover our partners’ current offers and say goodbye to slow and unreliable broadband for good?

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    Speed Test 101: How to Check if Your Internet Is Ultrafast

    When you’re gaming, streaming films or video calling loved ones online, a speedy broadband connection is essential.

    A slow internet speed can lead to downloads taking forever, frustration when playing your favourite games and jumpy video calls.

    What is a speed test?

    Don’t bang your head on your keyboard just yet. A speed test will let you know how fast your internet connection is and if your broadband provider could be doing more.

    How do speed tests work?

    Speed tests measure your broadband connection’s current speed and how quickly your connection can upload and download information.

    A speed test measures the following:

    • When the speed test begins, a signal is sent to the test server, which sends a signal back. The time it takes is measured in milliseconds (ms)
    • While the speed of the connection is essential, the variation is important too. Jitter measures the consistency of the response time. This is also measured in milliseconds
    • Download speed. This measures the rate at which data is transferred from the internet to your device. This test is done by downloading a file from the test server. Download speed is measured in megabits per second (mbps)
    • Upload speed. The reverse of download speed, this measures the rate data is transferred from your device to the internet. This is also measured in megabits per second

    Why is a speed test so important?

    A speed test can be a good way of diagnosing any issues with your internet speed.

    If you’ve been experiencing issues downloading files or got to the point where you can’t use Zoom anymore, a speed test should be your first port of call.

    That way, you can see if any faults lie with your devices or your broadband connection.

    What can I use a speed test on?

    You can run a speed test on any device with access to a browser. This means you can check the broadband speed of laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs and even gaming consoles.

    How can I make sure my speed test is as accurate as possible?

    Here are our top tips for making sure your speed test is as precise as can be.

    • Restart your device beforehand. This will close any processes that are running slowly and could affect the results of your test
    • Clear your browser’s cache, especially if you’re repeating a speed test. If you already have the downloaded files in your browser, this could affect the results
    • Close applications working in the background and disconnect other devices. These can interfere with download and upload speeds
    • Run the speed test in different rooms of your home. That way, you can see if the signal is particularly weak in a specific spot
    • Use the same browser. Different browsers can provide different results, so using the same one for each test will minimise any variances
    • Measure your speed at different times of the day. Broadband speed rates can vary depending on how many people are online… even the weather! We recommend measuring three different speeds and taking an average

    What is a good speed test result?

    The honest answer is that it depends on what you want to use your broadband for. If you use your broadband for gaming, streaming or video calls, you’re likely to need a faster connection than someone who occasionally checks their email and social media accounts.

    The best thing is to look at the speeds your broadband provider promised when you signed up and see how your current rate compares. Broadband providers can only advertise download speeds available to at least 50% of their customer base at peak times.

    What can I do if my broadband speed is slow?

    Many broadband providers have signed up to Ofcom’s voluntary code of practice for broadband speeds.

    When you sign up for a broadband contract, your provider must give you a minimum guaranteed speed. If your speed falls below this, your provider must improve it. If they can’t do this within a month, you are entitled to receive compensation.

    Curious to see what your broadband speed is?

    We have a speed test on our website that you can use to see your current speed.

    There are no forms to fill in, no painfully slow ads to view and best of all, it only takes ten seconds. Just click the button, and we’ll do the rest!

    Our full fibre broadband can give you an incredible 1000mbps per second, up to 20% faster than the UK average. That means no matter what you’re doing; our ultra-fast broadband will always be able to keep up.

    Visit our internet speed test checker today and see what you could be missing out on.

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    What Internet speed do I need for Smart TV?

    Smart TVs are not only becoming smarter but there’s also an increase in the number of households that have one. And in order to get the best out of this technology, you will need a fast and reliable internet connection.

    What is the best internet for my smart TV?

    This all depends on what you use your smart TV for. If you use your TV for watching and streaming series and films on platforms like Netflix or Prime, download speeds of around 25Mbps should suffice.

    However, if you’re a big online gamer, you will need speeds of 50Mbps or more for a smooth experience with no lag time (how long it takes to send a command or data to a game’s server).

    That being said, all this is affected by how many devices are being used at the same time per household. If someone is gaming, another is watching Netflix, and someone else is on a zoom call all in different rooms of the house, there’s going to be problems with your connection.

    To prevent pixelated screens and delay, you’ll need more of what’s called bandwidth, which refers to signal strength. The greater the bandwidth, the stronger the connection over set distances. This is one of many advantages of full fibre broadband.

    Internet browsing and downloads

    To browse the web on your smart TV, you’ll need a minimum of 2Mbps and 5Mbps or more for quicker loading times. To download music this speed will need to increase to speeds of 10Mbps or higher so that you won’t be waiting an excessive amount of time for albums to download and playback.

    This speed will need to increase even further if you want to download videos. This is also true of large file downloads; if you use your TV to download e-books or photos then you’ll need at least 25Mbps or more.

    Again, as with streaming and gaming, if multiple devices are being used at the same time especially when it comes to video content, anything less than full fibre will result in buffering and delays.

    So, when it comes to your smart TV, the more people in your household using the internet at the same, the faster your broadband will need to be in order to use it the way it was intended.

    Smart TVs are a great source of entertainment, but sometimes slow broadband can minimise the benefits. Full fibre means you can get the most out of your TV with a crisp picture, minimal buffering, and the best gaming experience.

    Why not try our postcode checker to see if your area can receive ultrafast broadband from Fibre Heroes? A faster internet connection means stress entertainment for all the family.