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    Top Tips for Switching Broadband Provider When Moving Home

    Moving home is always exciting and a little bit scary…

    Rushing to get everything packed in time, hoping the movers haven’t lost any of your boxes and most importantly, remembering where you put the teabags!

    According to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, one in three people face delays when getting their broadband working in their new home, with some waiting more than two weeks.

    If you’re shuddering at the prospect of not being able to get online, here’s our guide to choosing a new broadband provider.

    Get sorted as soon as possible

    It’s always good to arrange the broadband for your new home a month or so before moving.

    If you’re sticking with the same broadband provider, as long as they have coverage in the area, all you need to do is let them know when you’re moving. They’ll ensure your broadband is up and running when you move in.

    Sometimes it can be easier to move your current broadband provider across and start looking for a new provider when you’re settled in.

    Keen to start searching for a new broadband provider now? It’s time to grab a cup of coffee, your favourite biscuits and start doing your research!

    Check your existing contract

    If you want to move internet providers, you’ll need to check to see if you’re locked into a contract. You may have to pay a termination fee for leaving early if you are.

    Some providers may waive this fee for you; it never hurts to ask.

    If you’re on a rolling monthly contract, you’ll be able to cancel, although you may need to give notice first.

    Check who can provide coverage 

    Broadband coverage varies throughout the UK. As a rule of thumb, larger cities have more options than smaller, more remote areas (although Fibre Heroes is looking to change that!).

    Uswitch has a broadband checker on its website – just put in the postcode of your new property, and it will tell you which packages are available.

    See which broadband package is right for you

    When you know what is available, you need to look at all the options and see which is right for you. Some broadband providers offer a range of different packages.

    Look at:

    • What speed you will get. If you don’t use the internet much, you can probably get away with a lower speed. If you’re online a lot or use it for streaming, gaming or video calls, you’ll want a faster package. The average UK download speed is 50mbs, however you can expect speeds of up to 20x faster with Fibre Heroes
    • What the cost will be. Some packages will be more expensive than others. You may also need to pay more for a shorter contract
    • What type of broadband you will get. Is it ADSL, full fibre or cable? Not that we like to blow our own trumpet, but full fibre is faster and more reliable!
    • If there are any added features. Some providers offer broadband and TV together in one bundle. This can be more cost-effective than paying for both separately, but do check to make sure you’re getting a good deal
    • If there are any restrictions. Some packages have rules in place, such as limited data
    • If there are any freebies. Some packages come with goodies such as SIM cards and free online streaming subscriptions. While these can be great, they could also make your package more pricey
    • How long the contract will be. Contracts can vary between 12 and 24 months – if you want to leave before then, you may need to pay a fee

    If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. Most broadband providers will be more than happy to chat about the pros and cons of their various packages, either through online chat or on the phone.

    Ask for an honest opinion

    Sometimes it’s good to ask people living nearby what their broadband is like. If you know someone living in the area, drop them a message and ask who they use for their broadband.

    If you don’t know anyone, check and see if there is a Facebook group or online forum for where you’re moving to. Introduce yourself and ask what broadband provider everyone uses.

    Fibre Heroes: Full fibre broadband, wherever you are

    It’s our vision to build a full fibre broadband network for poorly connected homes across the UK, from the busiest towns to the quietest villages. This means no matter where you are; you can take advantage of ultra-fast broadband that lets you stream, game and surf the web with complete confidence.

    Our team can’t pack your valuables or drive the removal van, but we can provide you with the best full fibre around.

    Visit our location checker to see if we’ll be waiting to welcome you to your new home.

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    5 Noteworthy Ways to Remember Your Passwords

    We’re all doing so much online these days. There’s online banking, online shopping, online gaming and of course, different social media platforms to keep track of!

    All these different websites and apps need passwords to get into them. While it may be tempting to use the same login details for each one of them to save time, this could cause issues in the long run.

    Join us as we look at why different passwords are so important, and how you can remember them all.

    Why you need separate passwords for each system you use

    Imagine you had the same key for your home and car. While it may make things a little more convenient, it means that if someone steals your key, they’d be able to access both your house and your vehicle.

    The same premise applies to passwords. If you use the same one for all your websites and apps, a cybercriminal could potentially access all your accounts if they get hold of just one of your passwords.

    According to Google, over half of people reuse the same password for multiple accounts, while one in ten uses the same password for everything.

    If you’re reading this and nodding, it’s time to do a password audit. Pour yourself a big cup of coffee (or a glass of wine!) and look at all the different accounts you have and the passwords you use. If any of them are the same, it’s time to change them.

    How to memorise all your passwords

    The average person has around 100 passwords. This figure increased by 25% in the pandemic as people signed up for new online services to keep them entertained and productive during lockdown.

    If you’re panicking at the prospect of having to remember 100 unique passwords, don’t worry. Here are some of our top tips for remembering which login is for what.

    Take the first letter of each word in a sentence

    Here’s a top tip for creating high-quality, uncrackable passwords. When creating or renewing your passwords, think of a memorable sentence, and use the first letter of each. That way, you get a password that the cybercriminals can’t guess, but means something to you.

    For example, say your sentence is: ‘I went to Hillstreet secondary school when I was 12, and my favourite subject was French.

    Your password would be: ‘IwtHsswIw12amfswF’.

    Get rid of the accounts you don’t use

    How often have we created an account for something we’ve only used once? If you have lots of online accounts that you no longer use, consider shutting them down.

    Not only does this mean fewer passwords to remember, but by removing your personal data, you’re keeping yourself a little bit safer from any potential data breaches.

    Create a core password

    This is when you have one strong password, which you create variations of on different websites. That way, you’re using a password you’re familiar with, but is different enough to stop  hackers in their tracks.

    For example, let’s say your core password is ‘2B!hP9@c’. If you’re creating a new password for Just Eat, you could add a ‘Je’ at the end – so ‘2B!hP9@cJe’.

    Write them down

    In an age of internet browsers, websites and uploads, sometimes it’s perfectly okay to use a notepad and pen.

    If you feel comfortable writing your passwords down in a book, then we say more power to you. Just make sure to keep your book in a secure place where you (and only you) can easily access it.

    Our top tip – don’t make it obvious that your book contains passwords – the internet password minder book went down like a lead balloon on The Ellen Show!

    Get a password manager

    Sometimes you need to work smarter, not harder. A password manager is a service that remembers all your passwords for you – all you need is one secure password to access it.

    Many different password managers are available, and the good news is that most are free or low-cost. We like MYKI and Dashlane. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari all have built-in password managers too.

    Want to stay secure? Fibre Heroes has your back

    There’s a lot you need to do if you want to stay safe online. The good news is that by choosing the right broadband, you can sit back, relax and take the pressure off.

    Full fibre broadband is a lot more secure than traditional copper broadband as the signal it emits is harder for scammers to intercept. Not only that, but as it’s quicker, you know your security software is up to date and keeping you protected.

    Find out how faster your internet connection could be today with our free speed test.

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    4 Tips to Avoid Online Fraud

    The internet has made it easier than ever to stay connected and do all the fun things we like to do.

    However, while the internet has opened up our lives, it has made it easier to fall for scams. Unfortunately, there are many fraudsters out there who want our money and more scarily, our personal details.

    The good news is that you can protect yourself (and others) online by knowing what to look out for and what to avoid.

    Keep your passwords unique and strong

    Email, social media, online shopping… there are so many passwords that we need to remember!

    While it may be tempting to use the same password for every account, this makes it easier for scammers to access your details. If they have one of your passwords, they’re likely to be able to access all your accounts.

    It’s also important to make sure your passwords are strong. Passwords that are too guessable make it easier for scammers to access your account.

    As an example, ‘123456’ is the most commonly used password in the world, with over 103 million uses reported in 2021. It takes less than one second for hackers to guess it!

    Here are our tips for password success:

    Don’t log into your accounts on public Wi-Fi. You may risk scammers intercepting your usernames and passwords

    Change your passwords regularly – keep those scammers on their toes!

    Use a password manager like MYKI or Dashlane. This safely keeps track of all your different passwords and means you don’t have to remember what they are

    Consider your security questions. If these questions are easy to answer, scammers may try and use them to reset your account details

    Use two-factor authentication where you can. This is when, as well as a password; you need to prove the account is yours, anything from typing in a code texted to your phone to fingerprint ID.

    Be a savvy shopper

    From clothes and food to plane tickets… it’s amazing what you can buy online these days! However, it’s essential to ensure that any products you buy actually arrive at your home, or you receive the service you’ve paid for.

    Action Fraud reports that almost 100,000 people in the UK were caught out by online shopping fraud in 2021, with a reported £60 million lost.

    Here are our top tips for shopping with confidence:

    Pay by credit card or PayPal. That way, if your order doesn’t arrive, it’s easier to get your money back

    Only shop on secure sites. You can tell which sites are protected as the link for the site starts with ‘HTTPS’ rather than ‘HTTP’. You should also see a locked padlock in the address bar

    Some scammers can even create fake versions of real websites so. look out for strange-looking web addresses or unusual spelling errors

    Do your due diligence before purchasing from a website you don’t recognise. Check that there’s a legitimate address and phone number and read the online reviews. Overly-positive feedback can be just as big a red flag as negative reviews – these reviews may be fake

    Say no to suspicious emails

    Spam emails… we all get them. Whether it’s a message from a mysterious Nigerian Prince or a massive lottery win, it can be hard to stop these messages from popping up in your inbox. In fact, over four out of five emails sent worldwide are spam!

    At best, spam emails can be a nuisance. At worst, they’re an underhanded way of stealing your details.

    Here’s how you can make sure the only spam you experience is in your kitchen cupboards:

    Don’t reply to spam messages, even to click on the unsubscribe link. The scammers will know your email address is legitimate, which will lead to more emails

    Keep your email address private. Posting it online increases the chances of receiving spam

    Sometimes spam comes from email addresses we think we know and trust. Spammers spoof these addresses to make messages sound like they have come from friends and family. Check for typos and strange grammar before clicking on anything

    If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Free shopping vouchers and lottery wins may sound tempting, but those emails are likely to have been sent to try and catch you out

    If you see an email from a company and you’re not sure if it’s legitimate, contact the company directly to double-check

    Make sure you have anti-virus software installed on your computer

    Sometimes when you visit a dodgy website or click on a link in a spam email, it will install software onto your computer. This software can do anything from collecting information saved on your device to locking up your files so you can’t access them.

    Anti-virus software installed on your computer can quickly identify any suspicious software and make sure it doesn’t cause any issues.

    It’s estimated that 6,000 new viruses are created a month, so be sure to keep your anti-virus software up to date.

    What to do if you believe you are a victim of an online scam

    If you think you’ve been scammed, the most important thing is not to panic. Here’s what you need to do:

    Change your passwords and ensure your anti-virus software is updated

    If you think your bank account details or PIN have been stolen, call your bank, which will act to protect your account

    Report the scam to Action Fraud

    And finally…. Don’t feel embarrassed about falling for a scam. Even the most internet-literate people have admitted that fraudsters have caught them out.

    Sharing your experiences may even help protect others.

    Looking for the best fibre broadband around?

    If you’re after a broadband provider that can help you shop and stream to your heart’s content, Fibre Heroes is here to help.

    Full fibre broadband is the future of the internet, and we’re working to ensure that even forgotten rural market towns in the UK can take advantage of its superfast speeds. This means that no matter whether you want to hop on a Zoom call or watch the latest drama on your streaming service of choice, we’ve got you covered.

    Take a look at our coverage checker and see if we’re coming to a town near you!

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    10 Ways to Use Social Media Safely

    Social media is a terrific way to stay connected, from keeping in touch with the grandkids to reuniting with old classmates.

    Even though social media has many benefits and brings us all closer, it’s important to use it responsibly. Not everyone on Facebook may be who they seem.

    We’ve detailed below tour top tips for staying safe on social media and still having fun.

    Keep your account secure

    It’s essential to keep your social media passwords safe. Fraudsters can easily access passwords that are short or easy to guess.

    Don’t use the same password on different accounts, change your passwords regularly and don’t share them with anyone else.

    Check your privacy settings

    Most social media platforms let you change your privacy settings so only certain people can view your posts. Instagram and Twitter let you make your account private so only people connected with you can see what you write.

    If you’re not sure how to check your privacy settings, ask a friend or family member to take a look at them for you.

    Think before you post

    While it’s nice to keep family and friends up to date with everything going on in your life, it’s vital to make sure you don’t put yourself or anyone else at risk.

    You may want to show off your holiday photos, but it’s best to wait until you’re back home. Otherwise, you could be advertising to burglars that your house is empty.

    Another tactic scammers use is to post a ‘viral’ challenge that ask you to comment the answers to questions like the name of your first pet or your mother’s as a rouse to find your ‘movie star name’. However, these are actually common security questions and they then use the answers to reset your passwords online.

    Take care to avoid giving away too much personal information about yourself and your loved ones.

    Be wary of fake friends

    Some social media platforms let you connect with people you don’t know in real life. While this can be a great way to meet new friends, be mindful that some people may be out to scam you.

    If someone you don’t know messages you asking for money or tells you to click on a link you don’t trust, don’t be afraid to block and report them.

    Don’t give away financial information

    There is never a good excuse to share financial information on social media. Criminals can use this information to take money out of your bank account or make purchases that you end up paying for.

    Don’t share credit card numbers, PINs or images of your bank cards, even if someone who claims to be acting in an official capacity asks you to. Your bank, or service provider will never contact you first via social media.

    Consider friends and loved ones

    People use social media in different ways. While some of your friends might be happy to be tagged in your photos, others may feel uncomfortable. Take the time to ask if it’s okay to tag or mention them before posting.

    This is especially important when uploading photos of children. Always ask parents or carers if they are okay with you sharing pictures on social media before you start taking snaps.

    Don’t share ‘fake news’

    Social media platforms are full of interesting news stories but can also contain a lot of misinformation that spreads quickly when shared or retweeted.

    Take a few seconds to read any articles before sharing them to make sure they’re accurate and come from a reliable source.

    Know about scams and frauds

    As with many things in life, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

    While a free iPhone or Tesco voucher may sound tempting, it’s a shifty ploy to get your personal details. If you get any messages that look suspicious, block them and move on.

    Find out more about avoiding online fraud.

    Give direct messaging a try

    If you want to communicate with a small group of friends or family, direct (or private) messaging can be a fantastic way to do this.

    With direct messaging apps like Messenger or WhatsApp, you can talk with people privately without the rest of the people you are connected with on social media seeing.

    Remember that the internet never forgets

    The internet is a public place, and anything you post could potentially be used against you in the future. Even if you delete a post, someone could screenshot it.

    Avoid saying anything abusive, offensive or illegal. If in doubt, take a breather before clicking the ‘post’ button.

    Looking to become a social media pro? Full fibre means you can share photos and videos at lightning-fast speeds. Whether you want to catch up with the kids, do that online course you’ve been dreaming about or just share crazy photos of your cats, Fibre Heroes can help.

    Check availability in your area and take the first steps toward powering up on social media today!

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    How can you improve internet speed?

    The digital evolution is well underway. With most households having access to the internet, the digital lifestyle demands an ever-increasing internet speed. But how can you improve internet speed if you constantly notice it under performing? 

    With the number of appliances requiring access to the internet increasing, here are a few ways that you can improve your internet speed (and most of them are free!). 

    Benchmark Internet Speed

    Benchmark your current speed. Whilst this won’t directly improve your internet speed, it will give you a measurement to compare against after you’ve tried some of these tricks. 

    There are plenty of online speed tests that can be done. Use a range of them to ensure you have consistent data across all variations. 

    Ensure that you record the score so that you know if any changes you do make aren’t some sort of placebo. 

    Speak to ISP about your Speed

    Speaking to your ISP can help clarify what exact speeds you are supposed to be getting. Because you have just benchmarked, you know what you are receiving against what you are paying for. 

    If the speed isn’t enough, see if there are any deals that your ISP can offer you that result in a faster broadband package. On the contrary, if it is slower than it should be, research to see if there are any network problems with your provider or if there are any issues in your area. 

    Password Protect your Wi-Fi

    Adding a password onto your Wi-Fi can stop external users accessing and causing slower speeds. Extra users require more bandwidth than you’re paying for, and this can result in slower speeds.  

    This is especially important if you live in a city centre, where a lot of people will be looking for free Wi-Fi from shops. Make sure that yours isn’t on their list. 

    The password you choose must be complex enough to avoid any potential codebreakers out there, so choose wisely! 

    Move Location of Internet Router

    Sometimes, the actual physical location of your router in your house can affect the speed of your internet. Is it placed behind a thick wall from where you usually sit and access it? Does it only work when the door is open? 

    By moving to an elevated and clear spot with minimal obstructions around it, you give yourself the best chance of receiving a faster connection speed.  

    If you notice that your desk at home is on the other side of the house to the router, perhaps moving the router closer can increase the quality of your work calls? 

    Plug in Ethernet Cables

    Before we had wireless technology, we had wired technology! Ethernet cables are still a great way of boosting your internet speed to specific devices. Yes, there are limitations to where they can connect to, but the result could be direct access to the router increasing your speed. 

    Whilst not as convenient as its wireless counterpart, it can boost speeds to those devices that need it. This also shouldn’t affect the wirelessly connected devices. Theoretically, it should improve their speed as there is one less device using a wireless connection! 

    Switch Internet Provider

    If you are facing recurring internet speed problems, sometimes there is nothing you can do. No matter where you place your router, nor how many passwords you set, it could just be out of your control. 

    If this is the case, and your ISP is always letting you down, it could be an idea to switch internet providers. It always sounds scary as you don’t know if it will go smoothly, but the long-term benefits could be monumental. 

    There will be a range of other packages that offer similar services to what you are currently receiving but at a much better quality. 

    Don’t be scared to branch out and try something different if your existing set up isn’t working for you. 

    Access a Faster Internet Speed

    Everyone should have access to a fast internet. With a full fibre connection, you can receive speeds of 1Gbps and more (1000Mbps). If you are facing consistent slow internet speeds, you may be eligible to receive a full fibre network. 

    This can be applied directly to your home, and you will wonder how you ever managed to put up with your current speeds after experiencing such a super-fast connection. 

    Get in touch with our expert team to find out more, or you can check if you’re eligible using our postcode checker. 


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    Choosing the Best Broadband Package for You

    Choosing a new broadband package can be a bit of a minefield.

    You spend time finding the right provider only to see they have about fifty different deals available!

    It’s essential to choose the right broadband package carefully. Get it wrong, and you find yourself tied into a slow, expensive broadband deal for the next two years.

    Don’t worry; we’re here to help you out! At Fibre Heroes, we specialise in installing dependable and speedy full fibre broadband across the UK.

    Here are our top tips to help you choose which broadband package is right for you. 

    Look at the price

    Price is typically the first thing people look at when considering a broadband deal. However, bear in mind that the cheapest deal is not necessarily the best one.

    Look at the cost breakdown when you are looking at packages. As well as a monthly price,

    there may be an upfront cost to pay too. For example, a router or line rental. 

    Look at the speed

    While price is important, speed is too. If you have a lot of devices, operate a business from home, take part in online gaming or stream television, you’ll need a fast connection.

    The average broadband speed in the UK is 50.4mbps, which is good but not great. To put this in context, it will take you 11 minutes to download an HD quality film. This might be more than enough if you don’t go online that often but if you have a lot of internet users in the house, you’ll want something speedier.

    Why not give our internet speed test checker a try and see how fast your current broadband connection is?

    One thing to look at when considering broadband packages is the broadband speed in your area. Many broadband providers advertise their maximum speed, but you may not get that where you live.

    If you have your postcode available, your provider of choice will be able to let you know what speeds you can expect.

    Look at the limits

    Most broadband providers offer unlimited broadband, which means you can stream and game to your heart’s content.

    However, it’s worth checking to see if any restrictions are in place. If there are, your data could be capped, or you could be charged extra for additional use.

    Look at the contract length

    When you sign up for a new broadband provider, you’ll need to stay with them for a set amount of time – anything from 12 to 36 months. Longer-term deals are generally cheaper, but there is a bigger penalty if you end your contract early.

    If you’re looking at moving in the near future, you may want to consider a more flexible contract.

    Look at the coverage

    Not all broadband providers cover all parts of the UK. If you’re changing broadband providers because you’re moving house, you’ll want to take this into consideration.

    If you’re in a city or built-up area, you’ll be able to choose from many different providers. If you live in a more rural area, fewer providers may be available.

    The good news is that faster broadband is rolling out across the UK, meaning more options than ever before!

    Look at the extras

    If you want a landline or television bundle alongside your broadband, check and see what you get in your package. You can usually make substantial savings if you want all three bundled together.

    If you’re a business, you might be able to get voice over internet protocol (VOIP) as part of your deal. This means you get virtually unlimited national and mobile calls, all through your broadband connection.

    Some packages offer extra treats as a sweetener, such as streaming subscriptions or smart devices. Check and see how much these add to the cost though. Do you really need a new smartphone or tablet? 

    Fibre Heroes – saving you from bad broadband, wherever you are

    We hope this guide has shown you what you need to look out for when finding the right broadband package.

    The average person in the UK now spends 59 hours a week online, so it’s important to make sure your broadband operates as it should.

    We’re working to install high-speed full fibre broadband across the UK, meaning no matter where you live, you can shop, stream and surf the web in style.

    Find out more about our internet sidekicks and see which is the best provider for your needs.

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    The Benefits of Full Fibre Broadband for Businesses

    Accessing a full fibre connection for your business can make a positive impact, providing multiple benefits for you and your team. With a 1000Mbps capability, full fibre may be just the thing that helps your business flourish.

    Speed and reliability

    When it comes to full fibre broadband, one thing you’ll notice is the speed. Capable of reaching speeds of one gigabit, even during peak times or periods of high demand, your business can continue doing what it does best without slowing down. Full fibre also means reliability. Unlike copper cables, full fibre won’t be affected by bad weather or any interference, so if you do have a problem, it’ll unlikely be related to your internet connection.

    Storage and security

    In the UK, the cloud is used by a whopping 88% of businesses in some form or another. This includes CRMs, data, applications and HR information. If your business relies on high levels of storage, full fibre will not only allow fast access to data but also help your keep security features running smoothly so everything remains backed up and recoverable.

    Signal Strength and bandwidth

    Another benefit of full fibre is the signal strength, which doesn’t weaken over set distances. This is ideal for businesses that work from large spaces that rely on connectivity throughout an office building, for example. As well as better signal, full fibre also allows for better bandwidth, which means you and your team can be working on various high-demanding activities without it affecting your internet connection. Say goodbye to pixelated videos and delayed processes.

    Synchronous speeds and latency

    Most businesses today rely on multiple online activities happening all at once, therefore, the upload speeds will need to match the download speeds, which only full fibre technology can maintain effectively. This also applies to what is called latency, which refers to delayed process of data. Full fibre means better collaboration between you and your team when it comes to sharing files and videos over applications and the cloud.

    Financial savings

    As full fibre broadband eliminates disruption and improves online efficiency, your business is sure to become more productive in the long run saving you time and potentially increasing profit. In this way, utilising ultrafast full fibre is something your business can really benefit from.

    If your business is affected by slow or poor internet speeds, why not try our postcode checker to see if your area can receive ultrafast broadband from Fibre Heroes?

    A faster internet connection means increased productivity, creating an overall positive impact on your business.

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    How Full-Fibre Broadband Will Change Your Game

    All gamers understand the importance of fast internet and reduced lag time when it comes to their gaming experience. Full fibre means you never have to compromise on your performance, giving you the chance to defeat your most mighty opponents. Here’s what a full fibre connection can do to your game:

    The need for speed

    Performing at the speed of light, full-fibre broadband is unbeatable when it comes to your internet connection. Depending on your location, we’re talking speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps, which means you can rely on your broadband not to fail you when you’re on that winning streak.


    High latency creates a longer lag, which is how long it takes to send a command or data to the game’s server and is extremely frustrating to a gamer. The lower the latency, the smoother your game will be.

    Latency is measured in milliseconds (Ms) and anything below 40Ms is considered good, but the closer you can get to 0Ms, the better. With full fibre broadband, you can wave goodbye to that dreaded lag and concentrate on the competition.


    Direct, full fibre broadband means consistent connection even at peak times. This is because full fibre is a lot more resistant to interference or changes in temperature, meaning it’s much less likely to let you down during those crucial gaming moments.

    Future proof

    As video games continue to advance in terms of graphics, eye-tracking and audio, full fibre will allow gamers to experience everything as it’s designed. This is especially the case when it comes to Virtual Reality or VR which allows a user to virtually step into a game and interact with their environment. This is only possible with ultrafast, full fibre broadband that provides enough bandwidth for a complete VR experience.

    When it comes to choosing your broadband as a gamer, full fibre is the only connection to provide ultrafast, consistent speeds without interruption. The only downside is that your internet can no longer be blamed when you lose. Sorry!

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    Does Fibre Broadband Need a Phone Line?

    With smartphones now more accessible than ever, people are becoming less and less dependent on a phone line in the home. This is also linked to the growth of full fibre technology, which uses optic cables instead of the previous copper cables to connect to the internet.

    Today, more than 20% of homes don’t have a landline at all and as full fibre spreads, fewer people will need to pay for phoneline with their broadband packages.

    Does fibre broadband need a phone line?

    Technically, no fibre broadband does not need a phone line to access your home! It is part of a completely separate network!

    If you can’t yet receive full fibre in your area, most superfast broadband packages still require you have a phone line. This is due to what’s called a legacy requirement and related to the network provider BT, which installs and maintains phone lines as well as fibre optic cables in the UK.

    Subsequently, BT charges companies that use their infrastructure by making it a requirement that customers receive a phone line with their broadband packages.

    If you want to drop the phone line and access a stronger internet connection, see if you are able to receive our newly built network!

    Do you need a new phone socket for fibre?

    With full fibre installation, your master phone socket will be upgraded (the white box on the wall) and a new modem (ONT) will be installed. This connects to the fibre optic cable that enters your home.

    The ONT allows for both fibre broadband and phone services and connects to your router.

    Virgin Media

    Not all companies use BT infrastructure today, however. Virgin Media, for example, installs and maintains its own infrastructure and offers broadband without having to pay for a phone line.

    Despite this, Virgin Media charges more for its broadband to cover the cost of its infrastructure so it can actually work out to be more expensive than most broadband packages you see.

    Prices can vary widely depending on which package you choose. Ultimately, paying for a phone line alongside your superfast fibre broadband is often a lot cheaper than opting for ultrafast full fibre broadband with Virgin Media.

    Can I get rid of my landline and keep broadband?

    Full fibre infrastructure is growing across the UK, bringing competition to the market, and driving down the cost of ultrafast broadband packages.

    Network providers like Fibre Heroes are working hard to make sure more and more underserved towns receive access to full fibre broadband, which means you won’t be required to pay for a phone line.

    If you’re looking for full fibre broadband package without the hassle and expense of a phoneline, why not use our postcode checker to see if your town can receive an ultrafast connection?

    Fibre Heroes continues to expand its reach so your town could be next!

    Blog posts

    What is ADSL?

    ADSL broadband connects to the internet over your home telephone line. An Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL is provided over your existing phone line through copper wires.

    It uses the Openreach phone line network and is currently the most common broadband connection available in the UK.

    How to get ADSL home broadband?

    To connect ADSL broadband, a microfilter is used to separate the frequency of your phone line from your broadband connection so you can use the internet and the phone at the same time.

    This is provided by all major UK broadband providers using the Openreach infrastructure. Usually, your ADSL broadband connection is added to your existing phone line package but if you don’t already have a pre-existing phone line, this can also be set up with Openreach.

    How fast is ADSL broadband?

    Despite being the most widely available internet connection, the top download speed usually only reaches 8Mb, with uploads even slower at just 1Mb.

    Pros and cons of ADSL broadband

    There are many benefits to ADSL broadband:

    · The set-up is quick and easy, with little disruption.

    · It can be added to your phone line package.

    · It’s available to almost everyone in the UK.

    · It’s the cheapest internet option available.

    The disadvantages to ADSL broadband:

    · It’s the slowest internet connection.

    · It’s now an outdated form of broadband.

    · It doesn’t support multi-device streaming or large downloads.

    · It can often be inconsistent and patchy.

    Alternative broadband options

    Although the most widely available connection, with nearly every home in the UK able to receive it, the quality and reliability of your ADSL broadband can be affected if your telephone exchange is far away from your home, your cables are old, or there are too many people using the same line at one time.

    With the advancement in technology, 4G/5G mobile broadband has become more widely available offering increased speeds and more reliability depending on where you live.

    Full fibre broadband, however, is now the highest quality internet connection available with up to 1-gigabit speeds and multi-device consistency. This technology is currently being rolled out across the UK with Fibre Heroes working hard to reach underserved towns and areas.

    If you’re looking for faster broadband, why not see if a full fibre network is available in your area by using our postcode checker?